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    學校簡介 / 2024-05-27 / 點閱數: 2262


    During the Japanese occupation, the earliest school established in Hualien County was the Hualien City Mingli National School, and then the Taibalang Tribe, which was called the Fanren National School when it was founded.

    At that time, some people wanted to study, and some people did not want to study. The reason why they did not want to study was because there were no extra people in the family to work in the fields and herd cattle, so no one was willing to go to school on their own initiative. Therefore, few people came to the school, so the school teachers and The police would go to homes with school-age children and force them to go to school. Many people hid for fear of being caught going to class. At that time, a Japanese teacher was newly assigned to teach at Taiba Longfan School. In order to welcome the teacher, the leader of Karo˙Inih convened the tribe to hold a misarakiyaw welcome party to welcome his arrival.

    The welcome party was held in the evening with tribal women dancing. The party lasted very late. When the Japanese teacher was tired and wanted to rest, the leader sent someone to accompany him back to the dormitory (today's ceramics classroom). After a while , there was a knock on the door. The Japanese teacher got up and opened the door without suspecting that he was there. Soon after, there was a click and the head was chopped off. The witness described seeing a group of people disappearing without a trace. At this time, someone was shouting, and the people who were still welcoming the meeting ran to the direction of the shout to find out what was going on, but they saw a headless body on the ground.

    The field was shocked...

         What was the reason for this incident? The elder said that it was probably someone who was jealous of the Taibalong tribe and wanted to misunderstand the Taibalong tribe among the Japanese. Just when everyone was frightened, panicked and talking a lot, the leader asked two tribal cadres Ka`ti˙Lo`oh and Mayaw˙Lo`oh (the two were brothers) to report the case to the Japanese police officials and explain that the matter was not a Dabarang incident. The tribesmen then led the two brothers, tribal youths and Japanese police officials to trace the blood drop along the direction of the blood drop. The blood drop went all the way to the direction of Linxi and then up to the cikasoan (Seven Legs River). In order to confirm again, the young tribesmen and the Japanese police monitored and inspected the activities here day and night. Once confirmed, the Japanese surrounded the cikasoan tribe with electric fences and dealt with it. Because of this incident, the Japanese police originally wanted to sentence the leader Karo˙Inih to death. However, after the two brothers Ka`ti˙Lo`oh and Mayaw˙Lo`oh argued, he was exempted from the death penalty. The Japanese then changed the position of the leader to two Brothers are in charge.

         After the incident, the Japanese erected a monument on the campus of Taiba Long Elementary School to commemorate the Japanese teacher who was brutally murdered. Later, the campus buildings were continuously renovated and a kitchen was built in place of the monument. The monument has since moved with the changes of things. Removed, forgotten…. (There is a theory that the Japanese teacher was killed before he could start teaching, so the monument was removed)

                       (The story was narrated by Mr. Wan Wenzhong, a senior citizen of Taibalong)



    empty head